The 36th season of CAL is now live with ZOWIE gaming monitors and cash as leaderboard prizes!
CAL’s 35th season was one to remember. With ZOWIE gaming monitors featured as leaderboard prizes for the first time in 2021, and with the same amount of cash that’s always offered in CAL, the activity didn’t disappoint. All three CAL Divisions had a healthy amount of games going throughout the season, which is something that has not happened in a long time. Nostalgic, indeed.
The increased activity is perhaps best highlighted by Division 1 player ?? _ZeR3_, who with 252 games played in less than a month (the 35th CAL Season was cut a bit shorter due to a later starting date) rightfully claimed the top prize – a brand new ZOWIE XL2546K gaming monitor. Respect the grind!
Let’s Do It Again!
Since we’re very keen on keeping the activity in CAL at healthy levels, we did what any reasonable league would do and announced that if one of our recent posts on FACEIT would receive more than 100 likes, we would run another season with ZOWIE monitors as leaderboard prizes. At this point in time, I believe the post has received well over 200 likes, so being a league of our words, the 36th CAL season is going to feature the same leaderboard prizes as Season 35. Or to be perfectly transparent, apart from some minor changes to the prize distribution in CAL Clan (which are all for the better, we promise), things are going to stay the same. ZOWIE monitors, cash, and FACEIT points in CAL Clan.
Updated Rules – You Can Only Win A ZOWIE Monitor Once!
For Season 36, we’ve also decided to do something that I don’t think we’ve ever done in CAL, which is to add a new rule to the league that specifically regulates how some prizes can be won. If a player won a ZOWIE monitor in Season 35, they will not be eligible to win another monitor in Season 36. We’ve added this rule since we want the monitors to be won by different players within our community. A player that won a ZOWIE monitor in Season 35 can still play CAL, they just can’t end up at the top of the leaderboard to win another ZOWIE monitor.
If a player that won a ZOWIE monitor in Season 35 does end up at the top of the leaderboard in either Division 1 or Division 2 in Season 36, we will simply swap the leaderboard prizes for the champion and the runner-up, awarding the monitor to the runner-up and the best cash award to the winner (who already won a ZOWIE monitor). Division 3 will not be affected by this rule and players are allowed to win back-to-back seasons and receive 2x ZOWIE EC3-C mice.
Also, we would like to remind everybody that the rule of a minimum of ten games played to be eligible for any leaderboard prize that we introduced in Season 35 is still a thing. Subscribers will still get on leaderboards after just playing one game, so don’t get too excited if you end up winning Division 3 having only played 9 games. Sorry my friend, no ZOWIE EC3-C for you.
Be Good To Each Other!
Last but not least, we would like to remind everybody that being a good teammate is key to keeping the environment healthy and fun. If somebody is struggling, say something positive instead of trying to pull them down with toxicity.
For now, make sure to make the best of Season 36 and play with purpose. The leaderboard prizes could be yours! Good luck.
A Word About Our Sponsor – ZOWIE!

ZOWIE was founded at the end of 2008. It is a brand dedicated to the development of professional esports equipment. At the time of its debut, there were only three hardworking employees and one product. As there was no “esports” back then, ZOWIE had spent a lot of time gathering, listening, and engaging with competitive gamers/players on the internet, forums, and gaming communities worldwide. That got them into the world of esports.
Fast forward to today, and the BenQ ZOWIE XL series monitors are the most popular gaming monitors to professional gamers around and adopted by world-class tournament organizers globally. It’s not because of the latest technology, or the cheapest price. It was all because of the product’s meticulous design approach, with real player’s insight, development, and testing.
Learn more about ZOWIE here.
Season 35 (August 2021) Winners:
Division 1 Winners
Place | Player | Points | Prize |
1 | ?? _ZeR3_ | 1,862 | ZOWIE XL2456K |
2 | ?? RealmanWon | 1,733 | $150 |
3 | ?? q-hz | 1,680 | $50 |
Division 2 Winners
Place | Player | Points | Prize |
1 | ?? Kim_OneHand | 1,565 | ZOWIE XL2411K |
2 | ?? StealthFragZ | 1,475 | $100 |
3 | ?? Skinny_Ray | 1,465 | $50 |
Division 3 Winners
Place | Player | Points | Prize |
1 | ?? thefpsfreek | 1,257 | ZOWIE EC3-C |
2 | ?? FamouzBotten | 1,200 | $75 |
3 | ?? FallenSa | 1,152 | $25 |
Prizes for Season 36 (September 2021)
Division 1 - Season 36 Leaderboard Total = ZOWIE XL2546K + US$200 1st - BenQ ZOWIE XL2546K 240hz Esports Monitor 2nd - US$ 150 3rd - US$ 50 Division 2 - Season 36 Leaderboard Total = ZOWIE XL2411K + US$150 1st - BenQ ZOWIE XL2411K 144Hz Esports Monitor 2nd - $100 3rd - $50 Division 3 - Season 36 Leaderboard Total = ZOWIE EC3-C + US$100 1st - BenQ ZOWIE EC3-C Mouse 2nd - $75 3rd - $25 See the leaderboards for more details.
A full changelog for CAL Season 36 can be found below:
CAL Season 36 - September 2021 Updates General - Updated league site ( - New weekly leaderboards with FACEIT points as prizes in CAL Clan Division 1 - No changes Division 2 - No changes Division 3 - No changes CAL Clan - 25.000 FACEIT points now awarded every week instead of the 50.000 monthly FACEIT points awarded last season