The CSGO2ASIA Brand Guidelines and Presskit
We here at CSGO2ASIA strive first and foremost to elevate the level of professionalism in Asian Counter-Strike. These brand guidelines outline the brand values and brand elements which make up the CSGO2ASIA brand. Kindly adhere to these rules and values to help us elevate the Asian CS:GO scene together. All files can be downloaded in high res and .eps format here.
1) Main Logo
Used in all instances referring to CSGO2ASIA, this is our primary logo that may be used in publications, web assets and for video content.
2) CSGO2ASIA Mascot + CSGO2ASIA Emblem
Hail the mighty Panda. The Mascot logo is used for profile photos, merchandise, and in any instance where the CSGO2ASIA name is already inherent. The CSGO2ASIA Emblem logo is used for watermarking and social media branding.

CSGO2ASIA Mascot Logo
3) Color Palette
The CSGO2ASIA color palette consists of:
- Black
- Inchworm
- Pale Robin Egg Blue
- Ghost White
- Slate Gray
It can be viewed here.
If you have any questions, please email us at media(at)
Thank You.